Accommodation, Fishing, and More...

You can also choose to get closer to nature by making use of our exquisite campsites.

Kabula is situated on the Upper Zambezi which is regarded as the best part of the river for Tiger fishing.

Natural Attractions
It goes therefore without saying that if you are a nature lover there is plenty to see. Bird watching, bush walks, waterfalls, and many other natural splendours await you at Kabula Lodge.

Rates & Bookings
Book Today.
WARNING: Guests/visitors are asked to specifically note that Kabula Lodge is not only situated “in the bush” but it is also situated on the banks of a large and mighty river, both of which present their own inherent risks. The Proprietors must therefore clearly state that guests and visitors stay at/visit Kabula Lodge, and use the facilities and equipment provided, entirely at their own risk. Guests and visitors are requested to read the indemnity notices included on this website (See “Rates and Bookings”) plus the notice regarding the hire of the barge and the boats.